by SarahSmith | Jun 5, 2018 | Committee
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 4TH June 2018 Venue: Rugby Tavern WC1 Committee present: Trevor Merralls – General Secretary, Angela Clarkson – Deputy General Secretary and chair for AGM, Steve Jones – Treasurer, Sarah Smith – Secretary, Brian Ghairban, Jamie...
by SarahSmith | May 8, 2018 | Committee, Introduction
Welcome to the new United Cabbies Group website. We hope that members find the page informative and a good contact point and we also hope to promote our trade, via the website, to the general public, with articles on our trade and being a London cabbie, what our job...
by SarahSmith | May 8, 2018 | Committee, Introduction
Trevor Merralls has been General Secretary of the committee since 2016 Welcome to the new UCG website. Let me take this opportunity to reiterate, that the UCG hold the view that the interests of taxi drivers are diametrically opposite to the interests of PH, we make...
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